Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Photos For Thought

Hello One and All,
Just some more photos to share. Enjoy!
With Love,

Oh La La!

Hello one and all,
Have you ever dreamt about a crazy fantasy job that just seems so unrealistic yet fun? Well recently I been pining to become a prop master. I don't know what it is but to me there is something about placing material items in such a way that they reveal the true self. Well maybe not to that extent but props in my opinion help provide background for the character. Wow I am sounding prolific and that is not like me! Whenever I watch a film, I always pay attention to the background, whether it is the set, props, costumes or even makeup. All of these elements help with character progression and give insight into their minds. Well anywho, out of boredom, I began playing around in my room with items that I have collected over the years. I enjoy placing them and working on a theme such as the Audrey Hepurn one seen below. Speaking of Audrey, what a wonderful actress! A classic gal of poise and grace and if you haven't seen Funny Face, go rent it now! This movie based in Paris follows a beatnik who gets trapped in the world of Paris fashion. With dancing by Fred Astaire and assistance by none other than Richard Avedon, this is a movie worth seeing for it's cinematography alone! Having left you with some food for thought, I am off.
With Love,

P.S. I am starting to clear out my iPhoto Library making room for new photographs so look out!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ready for some beautiful music?

Hello everyone,
I apologize for the lack of new posts but life has been busy. I just scored myself a new internship, I am trying to plan a trip to New Orleans and I have been enjoying the last few lazy days of summer at the pool! But now to the interesting part. As many of you might know, The Killers have become one of my favorite bands and have a special place in my life. Well fussing around on the internet has led me to this cover of When We Were Young by the Noisettes. To tell you the truth, my knowledge of the later band is very limited, but this cover has converted me. The lead singer's voice is beautiful and does justice to this gem of a song. Here is the link.

Enjoy! Also, keep an eye out for the Killers currently on tour. I just saw them perform at Jones Beach and their energy is out of this world. Having performed songs from all of their albums including some covers like Elvis's Love Me Tender!, this is a tour that shouldn't be missed. I hope everyone will have a lovely Labor Day!

With Love,