Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Big Easy!

Oh New Orleans... The Big Easy, full of life, a constant humidity and one fabulous culture! The smell of the Mississippi River and Cajun and Creole food permeates the air (in some imaginary world unfortunately). However the streets are tree lined providing a fantasy to some beautiful city, that carries on with life after Katrina. The relaxed atmosphere transcended through me and put me into one constant state of relaxation despite the busy days filled with tours of the area. Wandering the french quarter, or taking the St. Charles street car took me to to another life, one of which I have never seen before. Houses with individual personalities, an old fashioned street car traveling down a residential street, a busy town square filled with religious catholics leaving mass while street musicians and tarot card readers begged tourists for their business. The Voodoo house down the street, though a tourist trap, further reminded me that this city was filled with different cultures. There is this special beat to New Orleans, a slow but soulful aspect that is very different from the stressful, busy northeast. People stroll down the streets, sitting outside with their togo cups! And a stranger will not shy away from a conversation! Oh And let's not forget about famous Louisiana Bayou. I was fortunate enough to take a tour of the swampland and I was exposed to nature up close, seeing wild animals, a traditional Cajun neighborhood and a variety of trees and plants native to the area. In a way it was awe inspiring despite missing out on the alligators who refused to come out and play that day. Even with that small disappointment, we saw two large spiders that were about the size of my hand! I wish I had a picture of them to share with you. And just being out on a boat, traveling through the small passageways allowed me to understand the alluring aspect of the area. I understood why the Cajuns chose to settle in the bayou. The peace that engulfs you is profound and I felt as though I was at peace with the earth. Enjoy the pictures!

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